The prints in this exhibition are taken from the Winter series, a sequence of 75 works that extend Opie’s 2012 film of the same title. Depicting an eclectic range of influences – from Google Maps Street View to 17th Century Dutch landscape painting – the series represents a circular walk taken by the artist through the French countryside on a harsh but beautiful winter’s day. Also displayed are Opie’s French Landscape lenticulars, which allow a dynamic experience of the idyllic pastoral landscapes of Western Europe.

Born in London in 1958, Julian Opie studied at Goldsmith’s College of Art from 1979 to 1982 and is one of the UK’s best known contemporary artists, exhibiting widely both nationally and internationally. Initially taking photographs of his subject matter – be it of people, landscape or still lives – he then digitally manipulates the photographs and constructs his images by a process of elimination and distillation. Through his techniques, Opie has developed a concise and reductive formal language which continually pushes the boundaries of ‘traditional’ artistic practice. 

This display at Spring Gardens forms the foundation of a solo presentation of Julian Opie’s work that will tour internationally in 2014. 

Winter, And Other Seasons: Landscapes by Julian Opie is open to the public Monday - Friday, 9am - 6pm at the British Council Head Quarters, 10 Spring Gardens, London, SW1A 2BN.