This exhibition forms part of the Russian Ring; a programme devised by the British Council in Moscow to link six museums and galleries west of the Urals, and six east. The curatorial staff of all 12 museums visited the UK to research and develop a common programme. Henry Moore – Mater Printmakeris the first of three exhibitions to be shown and toured under this initiative.

Although Moore is a familiar name, by focussing on a less familiar aspect of his work the exhibition will provide an insight into his working methods, and the many themes that pre-occupied him during his long life can be explored in some depth. The selection of 80 graphics, drawn from the British Council collection, is testament to Moore’s continuing fascination with the boundless possibilities of printmaking. The exhibition includes a representation of one of Moore’s studios at Much Hadham.

A catalogue, Russian only, with a text by Suzanne Eustace, was published by the Russian Ring Galleries and Museums. No ISBN.

The remainder if the exhibition tour which have taken in Samra, Volgograd, Nizhny Novogorod, Sochi, Rostov and Yaroslav, was cancelled in January 2008. For further information visit the main British Council site at