This selection of images is drawn from the exhibition and the accompanying publication, Den Ol Bod Ose, which represent the culmination of a six month long project that has used photography to document one element of a significant period of West African history by recording for posterity the fast disappearing Creole architecture of Freetown. This is perhaps the first important archival project of the 21st Century in Sierra Leone as it has created a bank of digital images to be stored in the National Library that may prove a valuable resource to students and researchers in the future.

In 2006, The British Council in Sierra Leone hope to support the production of architectural drawings of one of these houses so that the governmental and commercial community in Freetown might preserve at least one Creole house and hopefully list others to protect this important but threatened aspect of Sierra Leone’s cultural heritage.

A catalogue, with texts by Mike Butscher and Esme James, was published by the British Council. ISBN 0 86355 546 2