Street Art: from the Victoria and Albert Museum, London and Libya is the first international exhibition to be held in Libya since the revolution. Exploring the visual language and techniques of street art, the exhibition also examines the social and political significance that the work holds.

As a vibrant visual expression and democratic language, street art in Libya has flourished since the Arab Spring and revolution in 2011. The spontaneity and immediacy of street art has allowed artists to articulate opinions outside the conventional channels of political debate. This exhibition brings together examples of contemporary Libyan work and pieces from the V&A’s extensive collection of street art prints, posters and stickers. With over forty works by established and emerging artists from across the world, Street Art: from the Victoria and Albert Museum, London and Libya, presents a cross-section of this transient and evolving genre from the past ten years.

The exhibition has been realised in collaboration with British Council Libya and includes work by D*Face, Banksy and Shepard Fairey alongside work by contemporary Libyan street artists Naser Al shibani, Tareq Abu avena and Mohamed Ellafi.

The exhibition runs 21 April – 30 April 2012 at Oasr Almanar, Benghazi

Opening Times: 10:00 – 14:00 and 16:00 - 20:00 daily.

Admission is free.