© Anthony Hill. All rights reserved, DACS 2023.
Anthony Hill (1930 – )
- Dimension
- 61 X 61 X 6.5 CM
- Media
- Accession number
- P1566
Abstract painting and sculpture opened up a new freedom, and as a logical consequence it became possible to make subtract works that were neither painting not sculpture.
The constructed relief was one of the first of many such developments.
freed from spatial ambiguities present in painting, the relief is also less of an object than is sculpture.
As a result, illusion is annihilated and so is the association with everyday objects – fetishism of one kind or another.
Four Artists Reliefs, Constructions and Drawings, Victoria and Albert Museum, 1968.
Work of art made with paint on a surface. Often the surface, also called a support, is a tightly stretched piece of canvas, paper or a wooden panel. Painting involves a wide range of techniques and materials, along with the artist's intellectual concerns effecting the content of a work.
A three-dimensional work of art. Such works may be carved, modelled, constructed, or cast. Sculptures can also be described as assemblage, in the round, relief, and made in a huge variety of media. Contemporary practice also includes live elements, as in Gilbert & George 'Living Sculpture' as well as broadcast work, radio or sound sculpture.