A response to our collection exhibition Out of Britian, this showcase brings together nine artists, seven born in Saudi Arabia, one in Egypt and one in the USA, all of whom had participated in the Out of Arabia online art competition organised by the British Council in 2012.

The competition, initially developed as a wraparound activity for the exhibition tour, provokes a creative exploration of the idea of what constitutes landscape throughout the Arabian Peninsula. Capturing the diversity and originality of contemporary artistic explorations and interpretations of landscape, the nine winners shown here in London for the first time form part of a far broader, on-going programme of activity aimed at fostering long term cultural and artistic collaboration between the UK, Saudi Arabia and the wider Arab world.

We are delighted that the exhibition, on show at The Arab British Centre, has been extended to the end of March 2014. Executive Director of the Centre, Noreen Abu Oun has said of the show,

We believe that The Arab British Centre is a perfect place to showcase the work of young emerging Saudi artists who have not had the opportunity to present their work to a British audience before. As a charity focusing efforts on promoting the Arab world, we are excited to welcome the next generation of talented visual artists and to be creating a dialogue between them and new and existing audiences.

The exhibition is viewable by appointment. Please contact the Arab British Centre on 020 7832 1310 for further details. 

The British Arab Centre

1 Gough Square, London, EC4A 3DE
