On Sunday 24th November 2013, Jeremy Deller's thought provoking exhibition English Magic, closed at the British Pavilion in Venice after six months and a record breaking 374,000 visitors through the doors. Following this great success, The British Council is delighted that the exhibition will return to the UK, for the first national tour of its kind in 2014. 

The tour has been made possible thanks to the generous support of the Art Fund, the national fundraising charity for Art, and will take place in London, Bristol and Margate, enabling the public to see the British Council-commissioned work, adapted specially for each venue.

English Magic reflects the roots of much of Deller’s work, focusing on British society – its people, icons, myths, folklore and its cultural and political history. He weaves together high and low, popular and rarefied, to create unique and thought-provoking work.

Jeremy Deller stated;

It’s been great to be able to make new work for a building like the British Pavilion. I’m also really happy that the show will return to British shores in 2014!

The Art Fund’s core work of helping museums to acquire works of art is closely related to its wider commitment to enabling increasing numbers of people to see and experience art across the UK. This year sees support for a national tour of Grayson Perry’s tapestries The Vanity of Small Differences, owned jointly by the Arts Council and British Council Collections, and the continuation of the national tour of the Artist Rooms collection, owned by Tate and the National Galleries of Scotland. In addition to the Deller tour, further partnerships are envisaged for 2014.

Jeremy Deller’s English Magic venues and dates. 

William Morris Gallery, London Borough of Waltham Forest, London - Saturday 18 January – Sunday 30 March 2014

Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, Bristol - Saturday 12 April – Sunday 21 September 2014

Turner Contemporary, Margate - Saturday 11 Oct – Sunday 11 Jan 2015


For further information please contact:

Quintilla Wikeley, Head of Communications, qwikeley@artfund.org, 020 7225 4820

Madeline Adeane, Press Relations Manager, madeane@artfund.org, 020 7225 4804
