British Council Collection
Wendy Hodge (1953 – )
- Dimension
- 51.6 X 110.5 CM
- Media
- Accession number
- P5743
The painting ‘Stepney Farm’ derived from the place of the same name, a city-farm in east-London. Having grown up in ruralCanada, the absurdity of seeing turkeys stomping around the middle ofLondonseemed even more striking. Perhaps this irony caused me to look at the appearance of a turkey in a more curious way. The turkey took on new dimensions. I now saw it s some prehistoric animal, part reptile and part bird, which somehow escaped extinction. The more I worked with the image the stranger it seemed. The turkeys appeared as skinheads walking the streets. Then again I saw it as a self-portrait, a rural Canadian transplanted inLondon. The turkey seemed not to be aware that it didn’t belong and walked proudly through my paintings.
Letter from the artist, n.d.
Work of art made with paint on a surface. Often the surface, also called a support, is a tightly stretched piece of canvas, paper or a wooden panel. Painting involves a wide range of techniques and materials, along with the artist's intellectual concerns effecting the content of a work.