Dominic Denis (1963 – )
- Dimension
- 68.5 X 59.6
- Media
- Accession number
- P6066
Dominic Denis's print, related to an earlier painting, is a very formal, simple architectonic statement, gently softened by colour choice and the addition of the playfully repeated flowerpot image. The territory between geometry and architecture has been addressed often enough by minimalist art, usually in heavy tones and serious meterials. That Denis adopts a lighter touch, using rough-hewn cardboard in his recent sculpture to create simple classical forms without recourse to classic sculptural materials, does little to diminish the impact of the work, but renders it more accessible and human.
This work comes from the Londonportfolio, one of the most significant British print publications of the 1990s.
Multiple Choice: Prints by Young British Artists, The British Council 1997
Further reading:
Contemporary British Art in Print, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art and The Paragon Press, 1995 (texts by Jeremy Lewison, Patrick Elliott and Duncan Macmillan)