
© the Artist

Talking Sweepers 2014

Amol Patil


15 x 19.5 cm
5 colour screenprint
Accession number


Amol Patil was born in Mumbai in 1987. Patil’s practice ranges from performance to video, drawing, painting and installation. The performances in particular refer to his family’s longstanding relationship with theatre and his current work explores renditions of plays written by his late father (both an avant-garde playwright and an employee of Bombay Municipal Corporation). Creating fabrics, jackets and skins during and as part of his live performances, Patil is fascinated by contemporary life in India and has stated that he wishes to explore the more superficial aspects of brand identity, fashion, mall culture and Bollywood in his work.

‘Patil’s residency, in July 2014, resulted in a suite of 16 screenprinted images based upon poems written 50 years ago by his grandfather, combined with drawings by the artist. They bring together various elements of his work, in particular our perceptions of aging, of our bodies and our personal objects, and also our perception of skin.[i]

Below another sky was the first collaborative programme developed by the Scottish Print Network, a partnership between Dundee Contemporary Arts, Edinburgh Printmakers, Glasgow Print Studio, Highland Print Studio, Inverness and Peacock Visual Arts, Aberdeen.

10 artists from Scotland and 10 from Commonwealth countries were invited to undertake research residencies during 2013 and 2014. Artists from Scotland travelled to Antigua, Baffin Bay, Bangladesh, Canada, India, New Zealand and Zambia; artists from Australia, Canada, India and Pakistan were on residency in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Inverness.

Each artist worked with one of the five print studios on the development of ambitious and innovative new work in print, taking full advantage of the excellent range of resources, equipment and expertise available through each organisation.

Below another sky takes its name from the poem ‘Travel’, published in 1865 by the Edinburgh-born author Robert Louis Stevenson.


[i] John McNaught, Highland Print Studio