Moore, Henry - P5290 Elephant_Image©British Council (Photo by Simon Difazio)

© The Henry Moore Foundation. All Rights Reserved


Henry Moore (1898 – 1986)


353 x 273 mm
Accession number


It was suggested to Moore after he had made the Elephants in 1979 that a wild animals portfolio would make an excellent companion to the Ship Album of 1972/74 and the Elephant Skull album of 1970. Although he visited London Zoo several times and invited his old friend Solly Zuckerman, the President of the Zoological Society, to write the text, the animals were not drawn from life but copied from photographs taken by his assistant, Michel Muller. Nevertheless the best of them carry the unmistakable Moore treatment. Rhinoceros (P5279) standing in all its solidity like a Moore sculpture and Zebra (P5284), where the camera angle has been exploited and the animal characteristics reduced to bare essentials, show a clear understanding of the form and feeling of the beasts. The Animals in Zoo album consisting of 12 full page etchings was printed in an edition of 65 by J C Editions and published by Raymond Spencer Company Ltd in 1983.