© Panayiotis Kalorkoti
Panayiotis Kalorkoti (1957 – )
- Dimension
- 57.2 X 67.3 CM
- Media
- Accession number
- P5570
Panayiotis Kalorkoti says about this work:
plays with technique and surface, with La Dansecutting abruptly to a dot-patterned wall while still-life elements loom large or hover insubstantially, both denying and emphasising the two-dimensionality of the picture-plane. The figure of the artist is taken from a photograph which actually shows him drawing, but here I have withdrawn him from the sphere of action to incorporate him into my scrapbook assemblage of flat patterns and deceptive spaces, so he merely holds his cat."
Text supplied by the Artist
The use of non-art objects and found materials, often junk and/or debris, to create art works. The disparate elements are 'assembled' by gluing, welding or other techniques. Assemblage can be looked at as the three-dimensional counterpart of collage, and similarly traces its origin to Pablo Picasso's and George Braque’s collaborations in 1912-14. This technique was particularly used in the late 1950s and 1960s and continues to be employed by many contemporary artists today.
The depiction of shapes and forms on a flat surface chiefly by means of lines although colour and shading may also be included. Materials most commonly used are pencil, ink, crayon, charcoal, chalk and pastel, although other materials, including paint, can be used in combination.
A permanent image taken by means of the chemical action of light on light-sensitive surfaces.