Panayiotis Kalorkoti was born in 1957 in Ayios Amvrossios, Cyprus. He studied at Newcastle upon Tyne University and the Royal College of Art, London. He has had a number of exhibitions in Britain and abroad which include the Imperial War Museum, London, The National Portrait Gallery, London, and The National Garden Festival, Gateshead. He has worked on major public projects, such as the Grizedale Society, Cumbria and has been ‘artist in residence’ for the Leeds Playhouse and for many other bodies and has won fellowships, scholarships and commissions. His work is held in a number of public collections. He has been a practicing artist for over two decades and has exhibited regularly in a number of public Galleries and Museums both in this country and abroad. During the last few years he has had fifteen catalogues produced which supported his exhibitions. Each publication has a text and writers have included Edward Lucie-Smith, Norbert Lynton, Frank Whitford, Mel Gooding, Timothy Hyman, Roger Cardinal, Judith Bumpus, Andrew Lambirth, Huon Mallalieu and John Russell Taylor.

Text supplied by the artist.