Bert Hardy (1913 – 1995)
CYCLE RACE, BRIGHTON 1949 Bert Hardy (1913 – 1995) P4544
AT SEA WITH WARTIME TRAWLERMEN 1942 Bert Hardy (1913 – 1995) P4541
MAN WITH A WOODEN LEG, ELEPHANT AND CASTLE 1949 Bert Hardy (1913 – 1995) P4546
OLD MAN AT THE HUNT 1941 Bert Hardy (1913 – 1995) P4545
THE BISHOP AT BIRMINGHAM 1947 Bert Hardy (1913 – 1995) P4542
GIRLS AT BLACKPOOL 1951 Bert Hardy (1913 – 1995) P4539
MINERS 1956 Bert Hardy (1913 – 1995) P4540
GRAND NATIONAL CONTENDER AND TRAINER 1950 Bert Hardy (1913 – 1995) P4538
CHELSEA PENSIONER AT A FOOTBALL MATCH 1941 Bert Hardy (1913 – 1995) P4543
HUNTSMAN LISTENING FOR THE FOX 1941 Bert Hardy (1913 – 1995) P4537
Bert Hardy was born into poverty, the eldest of seven children. His family lived in two dingy rooms in the Elephant and Castle area of London. At the age of 13 Hardy left school for an errand-boy’s job in an engineering firm, but failed the interview. He finally found work at a film developing and printing works, and stayed with the company for nine years saving enough money to buy a Leica camera. In the early 1930s the influence of the German middle-European ‘miniature’ cameramen was being felt in England. Their pictures had ‘an atmosphere, an intimacy, a feeling of flowing life’ which was unknown to British photographers hampered and blinkered by their large-format press cameras.
Hardy was one of the first photographers in England to adopt the miniature for ‘serious’ reportage. He applied for a job as a Leica photographer with the General Photographic Agency in Fleet Street, later working for the Picture Post as a staff photographer. During the war he was called up with the Army Photographic Unit, serving in the Far East and, on demobilisation, returned to thePicture Post. He spent six weeks covering the Korean War and was probably the only photographer to obtain pictures of the landing at Inchon as, unlike other members of the press, Hardy could shoot 1/15 sec at fl.5 with his Leica miniature.
A transparent, flexible plastic material, usually of cellulose acetate or polyester, on which light-sensitive emulsion is coated, or on which an image can be formed by various transfer processes.