Geoff Roberts (1953 – )
Geoff Roberts studied sculpture at Birmingham College of Art and printmaking at the Royal College of Art in London. He began making ‘wearables’ in the early 1980s. The works in the collection are made from acrylic sheets, on to which coloured foil is applied with an electric iron, building up layers of colour as in painting. The flat sheet is folded and moulded into three-dimensional shapes at speed while the sheet is hot enough to be flexible.
All that glisters …New Jewellery in Britain, The British Council 1992
Modern synthetic paint that combines some of the properties of oils and watercolour. Most are water-based, although some are oil compatible, using turpentine as a thinner. When it became available to artists in America around 1936 it was the first new painting medium in centuries and has become a serious rival to oil paint because of its versatility. Acrylic paints can be used on nearly any surface. The water-based nature of acrylic paint allows for easy application and rapid drying time: acrylic paint dries in a matter of minutes, as opposed to the many months required for oil-based paints. Once the paint has been applied to a surface, the water evaporates, leaving behind the synthetic resin (and pigment), which is no longer water-soluble. Visually, acrylic-based paints can appear to be very similar to oil-based paints, but they cannot rival the rich, translucent nature of oils.