British Commissioner: John Hulton.

An exhibition of 70 prints, photographs and photo-montages, selected by John Dunbar in collaboration with Norbert Lynton, then Director of Exhibitions for the Arts Council, and the critic David Thompson.

A bi-lingual (English/Portuguese) catalogue, with an introduction by John Hulton, was published by The British Council. No ISBN.

Further reading:
Margaret Garlake, Britain and the Sâo Paulo Bienal 1951-1991, The British Council, London 1991 (ISBN 0 86355 199 X)

Artists: Ivor Abrahams, Keith Arnatt, John Blake, Victor Burgin, Barry Flanagan, Ted Hawke, John Hilliard, Richard Long, Bruce McLean, Keith Milow, Mali Morris and Colin Self.

The exhibition was subsequently toured in Spain 1974/75; Netherlands 1975/76