
© Courtesy the artist

Blast 2014

Janice Kerbel (1969 – )


101 x 77 cm
Relief print
Accession number


Janice Kerbel (born Toronto, Canada, 1969) works in a wide range of media, including light, audio, texts, publications and print. Her meticulously constructed work has taken the form of plans, proposals, recordings, scripts and announcements for impossible or imagined scenarios.

The artist’s 2007 print-based work Remarkable (shown at Frieze Art Fair that year) announced ‘a range of extraordinary characters imagined in response to the context of the fair.’ Produced in the format of large-scale silkscreen posters, and using a digitally modified process of nineteenth-century letterpress reminiscent of printed broadsides and fairground ephemera, these works were fly-posted on a daily basis around the venue. Kerbel’s 2014 project ‘DOUG’ is a musical composition for unaccompanied voice that chronicled a continuous stream of catastrophic events endured by a single individual.

In Blast, Kerbel ‘has applied the process of relief printing to produce work that relates formally to a musical score with the use of text and typographic conventions only. The placement of the words on the paper - the vertical movement from high to low – makes a visual reference to pitch; the movement across the paper – from left to right – implies the durational aspect of a musical composition.’[i]

Below another sky was the first collaborative programme developed by the Scottish Print Network, a partnership between Dundee Contemporary Arts, Edinburgh Printmakers, Glasgow Print Studio, Highland Print Studio, Inverness and Peacock Visual Arts, Aberdeen.

10 artists from Scotland and 10 from Commonwealth countries were invited to undertake research residencies during 2013 and 2014. Artists from Scotland travelled to Antigua, Baffin Bay, Bangladesh, Canada, India, New Zealand and Zambia; artists from Australia, Canada, India and Pakistan were on residency in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Inverness.

Each artist worked with one of the five print studios on the development of ambitious and innovative new work in print, taking full advantage of the excellent range of resources, equipment and expertise available through each organisation.

Below another sky takes its name from the poem ‘Travel’, published in 1865 by the Edinburgh-born author Robert Louis Stevenson.



[i] Michael Waight, Peacock Visual Arts